Monday, July 7, 2014

Adoption Learning Partners: Webinar Series for Adoptive Families Thursday, Sept 4th

Discipline and Attachment in Adoption
September 4
7:00 PM CT

Tired of Timeouts: Discipline, Attachment and the Adopted Child

Traditional methods of discipline are often ineffective for children who have experienced loss. Focusing on attachment while disciplining your child will help correct behavior and keep a strong connection with her.

Join Dafna Lender, LCSW, Clinical Director of the Theraplay Institute, as she helps parents:
·         Understand common challenging behaviors adopted children may exhibit at each developmental stage
·         Discipline in a way that fosters learning and helps your child learn to accept your guidance
·         Move away from rewards and threats of punishment

Tomorrow Night! Talking about adoption
July 8
7:00 PM CT

Tackling Tough Adoption Talks

When's my birthday?

Why did she give me away?

Can we find my family?

Some of the questions your child has about her adoption can be tough to answer. She may have questions you can't answer, or some details you have may be tough for her to hear.

But talking, even about the tough stuff, is an essential part of what adopted kids need from their parents.

Expert Advice

Join Jayne Schooler, adoptive parent, author and educator, for great tips on how to tackle tough talks when:
·         Kids don't want to talk
·         Siblings have different stories and different available information
·         You're not sure of the answers
Insight from an adult adopted person

Jayne will be joined by Carmen Knight, who was adopted internationally. Carmen will give real life examples of how her parents incorporated adoption into her life - even when it wasn't an easy task.

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Adoption Learning Partners 2049 Ridge Ave., Evanston,IL 60201