Wednesday, August 13, 2014

We need your help supporting birth mothers

Dear Friends:

About two months ago, *Nancy called our local office to tell us that her niece, *Emily, a mother of two, was pregnant with triplets and scheduled to have an abortion. Nancy explained that Emily felt that she could not afford to carry them to term, much less, financially provide for them, and her two children. Now unable to work, Emily needs ongoing financial support throughout her pregnancy for housing costs, utilities, transportation to medical appointments, and childcare for her two children.

Fortunately, Nancy referred Emily to our pregnancy counselor and was reassured that she would be able to find the financial and emotional support that Emily needs. Because of this, Emily ultimately chose to cancel her abortion appointment! 

In order to support Emily in her life-giving decision, we will need to raise up $20,000 for her pregnancy-related expenses. With your generosity, you can be part of a transformation that truly creates beauty out of ashes, brings the promise of a new chapter, and offers hope and life, where there would be death.

To paraphrase the words of Mordecai, in Esther 4:14, “Who knows but that you have been brought to this position of being able to help, for such a time as this?”

By donating to our Life Impact Fund, you can help Emily and other expectant mothers in their life-affirming decisions, and give them peace of mind so they can focus on the beautiful child(ren) being knit together by God inside their womb.

At this time, could I ask you to consider giving a generous gift of $100 (or what ever you can afford).

Please consider this urgent need and send your gift in the enclosed envelope and help us to continue serving pregnant women who are in financial need.

Thank you for your support!

Paulette Caswell
Branch Director, Bethany Christian Services Pacific Northwest

*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the client.