I thought this was a very helpful document for families--you can share with your kids teachers/schools.
NCFA Releases Adoption
Advocate No.
75 | Creating Trauma-Informed Classrooms
With another school year beginning, it is important for
teachers and school administrators to understand the impact of trauma, abuse,
neglect, and other risk factors in a child's history that can affect his or her
ability to learn and feel safe and connected in the classroom. In the September
2014 issue of NCFA's Adoption Advocate, co-authors Casey Call,
Karyn Purvis, Sheri R. Parris, and David Cross share the results from different
schools employing Trust-Based Relationship Intervention® (TBRI®), and emphasize
the power of safe, nurturing relationships in the classroom—particularly
for children from "hard places."
The Adoption
Advocate is a monthly publication
created by NCFA to educate policymakers, families, child welfare specialists,
and other interested parties on today's most relevant child welfare and
adoption issues.
Advocate No. 74 (August 2014) “Choosing an Adoption Agency”
Advocate No. 73 (July 2014) “Agency Liability: What Adoption Service
Providers and Adoptive Families Need to Know”
Advocate No. 72 (June 2014) “What are the Factors Leading to Broken
Advocate No. 71 (May 2014) “The Importance of Maintaining Sibling
Connections in Foster Care”
Advocate No. 70 (April 2014) “The Role of Facilitators in Adoption”