Thursday, February 26, 2015

Refresh Confrence 2015 Anxiety PTSD Presentation Resources

Thank you all for attending Refresh!!  The Overlake Christian Services team and all the sponsors work hard behind the scenes to bring you a life altering experience.

Paulette Caswell, LICSW
Branch Director, Bethany Christian Services of Washington
Serving children and families throughout the Pacific Northwest
1501 N. 200th St. Ste. 103 Shoreline, WA 98133
O – (206) 367-4604 x7972 F – (206) 367-1860

Slide Show Outline:
Parenting  Child with Anxiety/PTSD

Paulette Caswell, LICSW

Executive Director, Bethany Christian Services of the Pacific Northwest

Presented at the Refresh Conference


What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is considered an irrational and excessive fear and worry which has both an emotional and physical response.  Anxiety is a protection your body has, it is a part of your natural fight or flight system.  We all have anxiety sometimes.

What are symptoms of anxiety in children and youth?

Pounding heart


Stomach upset or dizziness

Frequent urination or diarrhea

Shortness of breath

Replaying trauma through nightmares, play or story telling

Feelings of apprehension or dread

Trouble focusing

Feeling tense and jumpy

Anticipating the worst

Tremors and twitches

Muscle tension



Difficulty Sleeping

Clinging to parent

Moody, easily angered

Fidgety, Restless

Hyper vigilant/Watching for signs of danger

School refusal/activity refusal

What is the difference between anxiety and PTSD?

What is PTSD?

Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a form of anxiety that has a “trigger” that is associated with a traumatic experience. 

What is a traumatic experience?

Many of us know that soldiers returning from war can suffer PTSD.  However, a traumatic event does not always have to involve having your life threated and your safety in danger.  It can be any situation that leaves you feeling overwhelmed, fearful, or isolated, even if it does not involve a threat of physical harm or actual harm. 

PTSD may be caused by emotional trauma:

·  Falls or accidental injury (i.e. knee injury in soccer)

·  Surgery early in life, not understanding the purpose

· The severing of a long term relationship (i.e. a breakup)

· The sudden death of someone loved or permanent     separation (such as termination of parental rights)

· A car accident

· A humiliating, highly embarrassing situation

· The diagnosis of a severe illness

· Sexual Abuse

· Witnessing act(s) of violence

What can enhance the effects of trauma?

· An event that happens un-expectantly, the individual was unprepared, and individual felt powerless

· It happened repeatedly

· It happened with the intent to harm

· It happened in childhood

SCARED-Screen Child for Anxiety Disorder

Has your child seen a specialist in adoption/foster care physician?

Utilize an adoption specialty clinic or foster care specialty clinic

University of Washington Center for Adoption Medicine (

Another Considerations

How does your personal past trauma and experience as a child effect parenting a child who has suffered trauma?

How do you know if trauma is the root cause of your child’s behaviors?

Avoiding bedtime/going to sleep/sleep disturbance

Eating issues

Seeking attention/affection of strangers

Difficulties regulating their emotional response to situations

Difficulties in school

Poor social interaction

When should you seek help?

If you are child’s symptoms are interfering in more than one domain in their life or lasts for a significant period of time, it might be time to consider seeking outside intervention.

According to Dr. Judith Cohen, MD Medical Director, Center for Traumatic Stress in Children & Adolescents at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Any form of child intervention related to anxiety/trauma need to involve parent—the best interventions include the following: PRACTICE

Psycho-education of parents-increase parents knowledge/awareness

Relaxation Skills-for child and family.

Affect Modulation-Identification of feeling using words to describe emotions

Cognitive Coping Skills-understanding the thoughts behind the behavior

Trauma Narrative-having the child share their story

Invio-Mastery of Trauma Reminders

Conjoint Sessions with Parents

Enhancing Safety

Evidence  Based Treatments

Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TFCBT

ADOPTS (Addressing Post-Traumatic Stress in Adopted Children

Empower to Connect has a great curriculum for parents on parenting an adopted child who has suffered trauma (

Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) (

Family and Child Traumatic Stress Intervention (

ACES Study

Adverse Childhood Experiences Study

Resources: PNW Post Adoption Resource Blog


The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has a great guide on finding treatment providers-I see no reason to recreate the wheel.

Adverse Childhood Experience Study

American Metal Health Alliance
Provides a listing of ethical therapist. On the "THERAPIST LOCATOR" page of the website you can locate a therapist or counselor in your area.

Anxiety BC How do you know if it is PTSD?         

Anxiety and Depression Association of America    
Bethany Life Lines Magazine:  Effects of Complex Trauma      

*Help Guide       

National Institute of Mental Illness: Children and Violence          

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network:

Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center list of Resources for parents on Trauma & PTSD: Trauma+Post_Traumatic_Stress_Disorder_%28PTSD%29.pdf  

NREEP SAMHSA’s Registry of Evidence-Based Program and Practice

Virginia Child Protection New Letter Evidence Based Treatment for Childhood Trauma    


·         The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook for Kids: Help for Children to Cope with Stress, Anxiety, and Transitions... by Lawrence E. Shapiro Ph.d., Robin K. Sprague, Matthew McKay and Matthew McKay PhD (Feb 2, 2009) 

u  University of Washington Center for Adoption Medicine (
u  Foster Care Clinic at Harborview (