Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Parenting a child with behavioral challenges: Sensory Processing Disorder

I was struggling trying to breach the greater topic of parenting a child with a behavior challenges, such as Sensory Processing Disorder/Issues (SPD), ADHD, Mental Health, and so many other co-occurring issues.  I am hoping this is the start of many blog posts about behaviors challenges you may face as a parent and where to begin to get a diagnosis or treatment for your child.  I know there is no "one-size-fits all" approach, but for those that are just beginning their journey, this is a place to start.

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is often misdiagnosed as ADHD or Intermittent Explosive Disorder or  simply bad parenting.  SPD can be co-occurring with ADHD, Autism, Reactive Attachment Disorder, FASD and many other disorders.  Living with a child who has SPD can be challenging until you know what it is.  It is important for you to know it is treatable and can improve. 

To begin, What is Sensory Processing Disorder?
 Sensory Processing Disorder is a nervous system disorder.  I have references down below that give you the clinical definitions, but here is my description--trying to break it down for you.  SPD is a condition where a child or adult is either over or under stimulated by their environment or experiences and can lead to behaviors that may seem unreasonable or an overreaction to an experience.  SPD is very common in individuals who have a diagnosis on the autism spectrum or have been prenatally exposed to alcohol and many other drugs as well. Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder can also be diagnosed with SPD.

What is Sensory Processing Disorder:
Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation               
The UW Center for Adoption Medicine Clinic article on Sensory Processing Disorder

Children with SPD present in many ways, but the following is an example a child who was diagnosed with SPD by an occupational therapist with a referral from her pediatrician...(However, a birth to three program could also help with this evaluation):

Jessica was a very social baby and really enjoyed laughing and spending time with her parents and older sister, but any time her parents brought her to family gatherings or events, she would begin to fuss and carry on.  She was simply uncontrollable until her mother or father rocked her and brought her into a dark quiet room.  They found this was the only way they could sooth her...but she soothed quickly.  Jessica was also a baby that never fell asleep in someones arms or with someone snuggling with her. She needed to be in her crib, flat in a bed, or in a car seat (not in the car) to fall asleep.
Jessica, also, was much more unpredictable when she was tired, hungry or in pain, like when teething.  This was much more than you would typically see with a typically functioning child. Jessica would not sleep in the car and was not soothed by the engine or the fact it almost created more of an issue for her parents.  Later, as a toddler, Jessica's parents noticed that loud music or crowds would elicit the same reaction from her, but appeared more like a tantrum or a flight response.  Jessica would run away from these situations putting herself in danger, at times.  Jessica was suffering from sensory overload. 

As Jessica entered elementary school, she did not notice that her shoes were on the wrong feet.  It was more than just being in a hurry...she simply did not notice--it did not seem to bother her.  Jessica came home from school one day with a really nasty looking bruise on her back...when her parents inquired about it, Jessica had no idea it was even there.  Most children would have been sobbing from this.  Jessica was much more moody that day and did not cope with the simple things in life as well..but she did not consciously register the pain.  Jessica could never pin point on her body where she hurt or even where she had hurt herself.  But her mood, would clearly tell her parents she was uncomfortable.  

Jessica spent over a year in weekly occupational therapy and has learned techniques to sooth herself and to work though moments when she is overstimulated.  She stills struggles at times with calming herself but a quick verbal prompt from her parents or giving herself some space (like going to her room or leaving the situation) she is generally able to push through.  It is not perfect and it will never go away for her, but it has made a difference. This summer Jessica, at 8, is attending an Alert Group with peers her own age to work through helping with self-soothing during peer interactions.  

Occupational Therapist can really make a difference for a child suffering from sensory processing disorder.  It helps!  At least it did for the family above and for my family too!!


The Out-of-Sync Child by Carol Kranowitz- The Out-of-Sync Child broke new ground by identifying Sensory Processing Disorder, a common but frequently misdiagnosed problem in which the central nervous system misinterprets messages from the senses. This newly revised edition features additional information from recent research on vision and hearing deficits, motor skill problems, nutrition and picky eaters, ADHA, autism, and other related disorders. or visit her website at

Answers to Questions Teachers Ask about Sensory Integration: Forms, Checklists, and Practical Tools for Teachers and Parents   Written by Carol Stock Kranowitz, M.A. An easy-to-use set of checklists and other tools that will be invaluable to every teacher (and parent) who has children with sensory processing challenges.

Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder by Lucy Jane Miller Ph.D OTR & Doris A. Fuller  

Building Bridges By Through Sensory Integration by Ellen Yack, Paula Aquilla, Shirley Sutton

Too Loud, Too Bright, Too Fast, Too Tight: What to Do If You Are Sensory Defensive in an Overstimulating World by Sharon Heller

Raising a Sensory Smart Child   By Lindsey Biel, OTR/L and Nancy Peske, foreword by Dr. Temple Grandin or visit their website at 

The Mislabeled Child: Looking Beyond Behavior to Find the True Sources and Solutions for Children's Learning Challenges By Brock Eide, Fernette Eide

 Movement with a Purpose: Perceptual Motor-Lesson Plans for Young Children by Madeleine Brehm & Nancy T. Tindell


Treatment Options:

Sensory Tool Chest Workbooks

“How does your Engine Run?” The Alert Program

Website to find items for your home…there are many others, but I like how this sight organizes the item and can gives you a great place to start.

**Please post in the comment section any Occupation Therapists or Resources you know of to help give other families support and a place to begin.

Resources Provided By Readers:

Facebook Page for parents:

 Paulette Caswell, LICSW

Branch Director of Pacific Northwest
Bethany Christian Services Of Washington

Please note our NEW LOCATION effective 3/29/2014 : 1501 N. 200th St. Ste. 103 Shoreline, WA 98133
O - 206.367.4604  F - 206.367.1860

Monday, April 7, 2014

Free Foster, Adoption and Relative Caregiver Training in Region 3 (Snohomish, Whatcom, Island, Skagit, & San Juan Counties)

The following are free trainings available to all Foster Care, Adoptive & Relative Caregiver families in Washington State.  You need to pre-register, as space is limited, by contacting  Joan Sager or Julie Gelo at or via telephone at 425.339.1811

“Self-Care for the Caregiver” schedule in Mt. Vernon (900 E. College Way Mt Vernon), April 17, 2014, 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm and in Lynnwood (20211 5nd Ave W. Lynnwood), April 29, 2014 from 9:30 am – 2:30 pm, presented by Gary Benton.

Gary is a native of the Northwest. He has been in social work for 30+ years, providing marriage and family therapy, anger management, and domestic violence treatment. He is a local and national consultant, trainer and seminar presenter; providing programs on anger management, domestic violence, and dealing with difficult children.

This workshop is designed to help caregivers reduce their stress, find more energy and improve their resilience while dealing with difficult children and demanding expectations.
The workshop covers:
  • Stress and its effects
  • Opportunities for self-reflection and insight
  • Short term goal setting to reduce stress
  • Brief stress reduction techniques
  • Goal setting to reduce stress
  • Self-care techniques
  • Fun, casual, supportive and inspirational

“Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders” scheduled in Smokey Point, April 30, 2014, 9:00 am -4:00 pm, presented by Julie Gelo

“Dynamics of Attachment, Separation and Placement” scheduled in Mt. Vernon (900 E. College Way Mt Vernon), May 28, 2014, 9:00 – 4:00, presented by Scott Hanauer

This class will be taught by Scott Hanauer, the clinical director of Community Youth Services in Olympia.  He has worked with “at risk” children and their families for over 30 years.  Scott has extensive experience dealing with children with Reactive Attachment Disorder, and other attachment and bonding issues.  He has been a Parent Educator for the Bureau of Prisons, and has been training foster and adoptive parents for over 10 years.

This training will offer trauma informed tools to address the developmental, emotional and behavioral needs of children in out-of-home care (foster care, adoptive care, relative caregiver care, etc.). The training will explain the link between trauma and attachment challenges.  This training will also provide caregiver skills to improve attachments and improve behaviors for children who present attachment challenges.  Those skills include:
*Passing the Test
*Identifying “Drivers” of escalated behavior
*Therapeutic environments
*Managing power struggles
*Targeting sequences of behavior
*The “Art of Listening” to children and teens
*Psycho-Education Strategies
*Pro-Social activities, adults and peers

“Verbal De-Escalation: Parenting Behaviorally Challenged Children” scheduled in Everett, SATURDAY, June 14, 2014, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Compass Health Campus bldg 2 (4526 Federal Ave Everett, WA)    presented by Rick Pribbernow

For over fifteen years Rick Pribbernow has been working with Compass Health as the Parenting Coordinator of Parenting and Life Skills Education. Prior to that Rick served in a variety of  positions around the United States working with children, youth and families in both education and counseling.  Rick holds three degrees: Bachelor’s in Education, Master’s in Curriculum Development,and  Master’s in Counseling C.P.E.  Rick's unique style of presentation is both creative and engaging. 

The major goals of this workshop are:
¨      Develop skills how to manage children with behavioral challenges in a non-violent crisis intervention manner

¨      Skill building for empathetic listening, helping the child to label the emotion under the anger or the root issue can be the springboard for developing a collaborative plan that both you and the child can put into place for success

¨      This presentation will focus on children's needs and creative strategies to help children manage their emotions in difficult situations