Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Educational Advocacy IEP/504: Where to begin? updated 1/27/2016

Educational Advocacy:  Where to begin?
According to Federal Law, all children are entitled to a free and appropriate education.  You as a parent have a voice in how this is defined.  Did you know that you can apply for services with your local school district, to begin on or after your child's 3rd birthday?  If your child has delays in one or more areas it might be worth having an assessment done.  Did you know that your child could qualify to continue to receive public academic supports into their 21st year?  Did you know your child can only be suspended for 10 days in an academic year? Did you know that there are specific timelines the district needs to respond to your request to have your child evaluated (generally 90 days) and if you insist...your child has to be tested?  It is the law!!
Educational advocacy can be one of the most valuable interventions you can provide your child and one of the greatest supports you can give yourself.  As a parent with a child who struggles in school (whether it is due to a medical condition, a mental health diagnosis, a developmental need or the need for additional academic supports) you need to be prepared.  The following are some of my favorite resources for building your arsenal and knowledge base. 

Free Online Training for Caregivers on Educational Advocacy:
Resources for Caregivers: http://www.treehouseforkids.org/resource-center/info-for-caregivers/

Making a Difference in a Child’s Life: A Manual for Helping Children and Youth get what they need in Schoolby far one of the most amazing resources for families when trying to advocate for their child in school: http://www.teamchild.org/index.php/resources/manual/   Including both Federal and Washington State Law information. 

The Family Guide to Working with Schools Educational Advocacy Manual: http://www.treehouseforkids.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Family-Guide-K-12_Participant-Final.pdf

Special Education Guide for Parents & Advocates: http://www.droregon.org/resources/5-publications-1/education/Special-Education-Guide-6ed.pdf

Greater Schools Special Education FAQs http://www.greatschools.org/special-education/legal-rights/521-special-education-faq.gs

Bethany Christian Services Lifeline Magazine Article on Educational Advocacy http://www.bethanylifelines.org/your-childs-education/

Lifelines Magazines Summer 2015 Editions focused on school advocacy:  http://bethany-christian-services.epaperflip.com/v/2015-Summer-LifeLines/#?page=0                                      

Kids Health www.kidshealth.org differences between 504 & Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities http://nichcy.org/schoolage/iep/iepcontents (website will no longer be active after 9/2014).

To begin the assessment process, request, in writing, to your local school and to your school districts special education department, to have your child formally assessed for an individualized educational plan. There is are some sample letters on the Making a Difference in a Child’s Life Manual (listed above).

If you need some help, guidance, or even just a knowledgeable listening ear, the following are some great local advocacy groups:

Washington Education Advocacy Resources:

Team Child –an educational advocacy not for profit attorney firm in Washington State. www.teamchild.org or Resources on Discipline Laws & other advocacy for your child http://www.teamchild.org/index.php/resources/137/   

TreeHouse in Washington State has a great resource for Foster and Adoptive Families:

PAVE Washington http://www.wapave.org/

Office of Education Ombud www.governor.wa.gov/oeo       
Sound Discipline www.sounddiscipline.org          

Disability Rights Washington http://www.disabilityrightswashington.org              

Oregon Educational Advocacy Resources:

Office of Student Learning and Partnership http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/results/?id=146    
Family & Community Together: http://factoregon.org/

Disability Rights Oregon http://disabilityrightsoregon.org    

Youth Rights Justice
National Educational Advocacy Resources:

US Department of Education Family Engagement http://www.ed.gov/parent-and-family-engagement

Stand for Children http://stand.org        

Blessings to you all in your advocacy journey!
Paulette Caswell, LICSW
Director, Bethany Christian Services
Serving children and families throughout the Pacific Northwest
1501 N. 200th St. Ste. 103 Shoreline, WA 98133  
O – (206) 367-4604 x7972  F – (206) 367-1860