Friday, May 22, 2015

Sharing your child's trauma with teachers

As adoptive families I know many of you struggle with sharing your child's trauma with their teachers.  Helping the teachers have compassion and understanding in how they approach your child, their student.  The Seattle Times had a great article in the paper Sunday, May 17, 2015.  There are many resources in the article...but I think it is so worth sharing with teacher/educators.  Especially if you are struggling with discussing the issues.

‘You are more than your mistakes’: Teachers get at roots of bad behavior

Schools in Washington suspend thousands of elementary-school students each year, but doing so rarely changes bad behavior. How to find school discipline that works?

Kindergarten teacher Cassie Beck comforts a student having a tough day at Bemiss Elementary in Spokane. The school has adopted a trauma-informed approach that can work with all students and has sharply cut problem behaviors. (Ken Lambert/The Seattle Times)